Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!

Our little Archer turned 2 years old today!! I cannot believe how quickly time flies. He has grown into such a fun and sweet little boy. He is usually very happy and loves to laugh.

He has started talking up a storm. He loves to sing the ABCs and count. He knows most of the letter sounds and understands that they make up words, and has tried to sound out many words after watching his siblings sounding out words and reading.

He had a fun day and loved the chocolate cake for his party. He received some new toys and a big ball of his own and some new clothes.

I cannot believe 2 years has already gone by!! It seems like just a few days since he was born. The year he was born there was a huge heat wave that week and I was so happy to have an air conditioned home. He was just a happy little clam in there and was not coming on his own so I was induced at 41 weeks. And his birth was totally and completely pain free, I am not kidding!!
Because I was induced the contractions were not strong at all, I couldn't even feel them when they came in and said, you are dilated to a four, do you want an epidural now? I said, well I am not in any pain at all, but why not.........

So they placed the epi and within 2 hours he was born, and I did not feel one twinge of pain. I will tell you what, that is the way to give birth!! I was so easy I couldn't believe I had even had a baby. (After 3 quite painful no medication births this was heaven.)

I am so happy to have this little man in my life. He is such a joy and sweet happy boy! I love him to pieces!! Happy Birthday ARCHER!!!!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Happy belated birthday Archer.