Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lazy Day

Rob has been out of town for several days, to his cousins wedding. He has been having a blast hanging out with his friends and going and doing whatever he wants.

He sent me some beautiful flowers for Mother's Day from him and the kids. It was so fun. It has been a long time since I have had flowers.

The girls are off playing with friends in the neighborhood and the boys are watching Cars. The house is so quiet it is a little weird.

The day started super early this morning. Alana was up by 5 AM and was sitting out in my glider pressing on a water bottle. So it was making these loud crinkly popping sounds. It woke all of the rest of us up. By 6:10AM all of the kids were up, dressed and fed. What a great way to start the day!! --And I am actually not irritated at all. I know how hard it is to read tone in a post. But I was a little irritated when I was awakened, but I decided not to let it make it a bad day. So all is well here.

Happy Mother's Day to all!!

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